“Whenever I was reading, testing, or doing close up work, I would see double or the lines would be blurry” – Adriana Parker
Vision Therapy helped me in school. When I ended 2nd grade and started 3rd grade, school was a challenge. Whenever I was reading, testing, or doing close up work, I would see double or the lines would be blurry. When I got my new glasses, I still had blurred and double vision. Then I was lucky enough to start vision therapy. At first, I struggled with my vision therapy homework like the patch flipper reading. I started other things like the heart chart and I would skip a lot of letters. I had big challenge with the brock-string. Now I can do all of my vision therapy without problems. I can do the heart chart (without skipping any of the lines), could make my X’s on the brock-string, and my patch flipper reading is easy, even at the hardest level. I was able to move up to Red/Green Flipper reading, with red/green glasses and a red/green bar reader. I learned to diverge and converge my eyes on my own.
In school, by the end of the 3rd grade I could read perfectly, and it wasn’t blurry or double. I could concentrate more on my school work. I wasn’t off task nearly as much, plus my handwriting improved. I am so lucky I was able to go to vision therapy, School is so much easier now. Thank-you Carrie and everyone else who worked with me, and helping make school easier.