The Surprising Link Between ADHD and Vision
Imagine how much more difficult it would be to read if all the letters on the page were doubled. You would probably dislike reading and choose other activities that did not require so much strain on your eyes. This is exactly what is happening with many children today.
The Overlapping Symptoms
Dealing with vision issues can challenge your ability to function normally in everyday life. There are many symptoms that are shared between ADHD and underlying vision impairment. These symptoms include:
- Fidgets with hands or feet
- Reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental focus and effort
- Fails to give close attention to details
- Skips or rereads lines
- Fails to complete tasks
- Distracted easily by extraneous stimuli
- Poor concentration
- Homework takes longer than normal
Is it ADHD or Vision Impairment?
In a 2005 study, researchers discovered that children with ADHD are three times as likely to also experience vision impairment. However, since many vision problems can slip through the cracks with routine vision check-ups, children can often be mislabelled with ADHD due to experiencing similar symptoms.
Unsurprisingly, any activities that require sustained visual performance will be much more difficult for those who struggle with their vision. The symptoms are maximized with the demands of classroom learning. Struggling with eye-tracking and focus makes reading, copying information from a chalkboard, and concentrating for long periods of time an additional struggle for these children.
How To Improve
Unlike traditional optometry, vision therapy focuses on improving the neural pathways between the eyes and brain. This resets the visual system and allows the eyes to function in harmony again. Vision therapy can dramatically improve everyday life and maximize academic performance.
If you think that you or your children may be having symptoms of ADHD that could be related to their vision, give us a call today and we can help you!